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Covid Date Nite

Once you get married, date nights become very rare. Let's be honest, every night is date night when you eat dinner and watch a movie together. But there's little romance in eating the same foods, on the same couch, watching the same shows every single day. And I'm not complaining. I love hanging out with my husband on the couch any day of the week, I will never get tired of it. But at least we use to go out to eat or to the movie theater every once in a while to break up our routine.

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Since Covid hit, we have not had any date night's. Neither one of us want to take unnecessary risks. Yes we have eaten out, but that's mostly been when we weren't able to pack a lunch for work or were out of town. So I was going though Pinterest and came across some meals I wanted to try to put together. I found Garlic Butter Steak Bites with Lemon Zucchini Noodles and it went to the top of my "to make" list.

Garlic Butter Steak with Lemon Zucchini Noodles
Garlic Butter Steak with Lemon Zucchini Noodles

So this week I decided I was going to cook this dish and got (almost) all the ingredients. I had originally planned to cook the dish myself but had a quick thought to hang out with my husband and cook dinner together instead of us running through our normal after work evening routine.

We put on the show we are currently watching, Dark, and watched an episode before heading to the kitchen to start cooking. We both took sections of prepping the food and then he cooked while I read the next instructions and started the clean up. It was a nice break in our daily routine, as well as the routine food we eat. We always eat the same foods, and changing up the dish really had us excited to sit down and eat.

With this in-home date night we got to watch our show, cook a meal together (and have a clean kitchen after without the exhaustion from cooking alone), and enjoyed a great meal. We have opted to make this a regular thing about twice a month. So be on the look out for recipe reviews and instructions in the future.

About Cooking the Food

The food was delicious! I am not a great cook by any means. I can make the same boring food each day but have a record for burning things. But I love trying to make new things. With that being said, I discover new items that I need in the kitchen every time I cook.

For this meal I used frozen bagged spiraled zucchini and I did not find the beef broth (online grocery shopping was not my friend in this adventure) before making this meal. I can say that it turned out great with the bagged zucchini and no broth. I also used Tobasco sauce for the hot sauce because that is the only type we had. The lemon and garlic were a great combination though.

To me, this dish was spicy, my husband would disagree, but I can't even handle a mild hot sauce on a good day without breaking out in a sweat. So if your a baby like me, I'd forgo the hot sauce in the marinade and the red peppers.

I will be making this dish again. It was easy and enjoyable to make. Next time I will probably half the hot sauce size and nix the red peppers. I will also get my hands on some broth to try in the mix. I prefer to use fresh food, so I will also be getting a zucchini spiraler and make my own zucchini noodles.

If you decide to make this dish, let me know how it turns out!

Click here to get an ingredient card for this dish.

Below are items that I wish I had while making this dish and will be getting for my next round!


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